The following pages are translated by a machine translation system.
Note that the machine translation system doesn't guarantee 100% accuracy.
Some proper nouns might not be translated exactly.
Forget you are wearing your skin feeling closer to the wetsuit. BREAKEROUTWETSUITS insulation, flexibility and permeability, and lightweight four elements continue pursuing extreme than KID ' S model is introduced. Thick fabric: 2 mm material: elastic Jersey superior stretch judge your body shortfasner became standard equipment on the wrist and ankle, even small children alone detachable can easily as it is. Stylish neo-classical long John and jacket combinations that can be used year-round must-haves; It is safe in a bright color coloring can quickly identify at sea.
thickness | 2mm |
Color | Royal × yellow |
Price |
CALIFORNIA FISH TWIN 5.8 Furrow Surf Craft
CALIFORNIA FISH TWIN 5.10 Furrow Surf Craft
Wilderness Explorer 7.10 Furrow Surf Craft
Clandestino Pintail TPH 7.11 MANDALA CUSTOM SHAPES