Japan Limited Edition model developed in Japan for Christenson "LONG SIMMONS
Degree: deck faces the footmark, bottom side has several dents. It is a rail repair have been renovated in beautiful, other cracks, scratches, etc. is as nothing in need of repair, have faint yellowing caused by sunburn, but very good condition Board. If you have USED Board per questions in advance to inquire please. * Brand new price: 212, 100 yen * USED sale price: 120000 JPY [CHRISTENSONSURFBOARDS] LONGSIMMONS8 ' 10 " enjoying a sense of speed and glide in Japan the Japan exclusive model developed in Japan for Christenson "LONGSIMMONS" power of waves to bottom nose tail, single, double and water decorated the concave maximum consideration. Combine the performance of fin above rotating dual keel fin, unable to imagine from the shape of the Board. ♦ WAVECONDITIONWaistHigh & ndash OverHeadHigh ♦ BOTTOMSINGLEDOUBLE ♦ BOARDSIZE8 ' 10 " × 221 / 8 " × 23 / 4 " ♦ RAIL RAIL50/50 ♦ BOARDCHARACTERSPEED — — —-AAATAKEOFF — — AA+MANUVER — — AAANOSERIDE — & ndash AA