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Trim Craft Burners 7.4

¥197,413 SOLD OUT

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BOARDS length 7'0" ~7'11" TrimCraft Surfboards

A shortboard for those of us who don’t ‘shortboard’

A shortboard for those of us who don’t ‘shortboard’.

An extremely versatile board for travel and daily driver use – the Burner has found loving homes under the feet of slop-surfing weekend warriors and globe-trotting barrel hunters alike.

A slightly forward wide-point gives you tons of flow and glide, but the modernized rocker curve and foil produce a positive, responsive and forgiving experience.

Designed by Ryan Lovelace, this is one of the most popular boards in our line around the world.

7.4" x 22 1/16" x 3" (223.5×56.0×7.6cm)
Color dark red tint, green khaki tint
Finish Sand Gloss Finish
Glassing 6oz+3/4 6oz patch、6oz+Fin patch
With Fin No Fin
Burners 7.4 SOLD OUT

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