The following pages are translated by a machine translation system.
Note that the machine translation system doesn't guarantee 100% accuracy.
Some proper nouns might not be translated exactly.
BOARDS length 6.0" ~6.11" FURROW SURF CRAFT
The Labyrinth Twin model is the newest iteration of the Labyrinth design.
The Labyrinth Twin features combine a tri plane hull with single to spiral vee bottom contour; familiar rocker and outline.
This board feels like a rocket launcher at take off. Maximum down the line speed and quick, smooth, effortless turns.
It is pure joy to surf!
Color | Clear |
Finish | Sand Finish |
Glassing | 6oz +4oz、6oz +Fin Patch |
Price |
8.75 Furrow Labyrinth Single Fin【TRUE AMES FIN】